Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Choosing the Right Orthodontist, Part Two: What Separates Orchin Orthodontics From the Rest?

Why should you consider choosing Orchin Orthodontics for your treatment? In addition to the service we provide, we are passionate about giving our patients a fun and relaxed atmosphere. Our office is equipped with the most advanced technology available in orthodontics.

But here's something else that makes us stand out: The Orchin team regularly attends continuing education orthodontic courses. Why? Because orthodontics is not a stagnant field. New treatment—SureSmile ®, TAD’s (temporary anchorage devices), LASER and SPEED brackets—is being introduced every year, and we think it's important to stay on top of our game.

These treatments are not just for the most complex cases. Most cases will benefit from the use of one or more of these. What does that mean to you, our patient? Shorter treatment times that are more comfortable—and yield a predictable and ideal result every time. After all, that is why you are investing in orthodontic treatment with our doctors: to create a beautiful and healthy smile.

If you have any questions about orthodontics or why Orchin Orthodontics is the right fit for you, please don't hesitate to call us!

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