Thursday, October 21, 2010

Donate your Halloween candy at Orchin Orthodontics to support our troops overseas!

Orchin Orthodontics is proud to announce that we will be participating in Treats for the Troops this year. As all of our patients know, not all candy is appliance-friendly. We are asking our patients to donate the treats they are not supposed to eat so we may give them to a parent who will ship them to our Troops in the Middle East.

We will start taking donations immediately after Halloween through November 15th. Any and all donations will be appreciated and enjoyed, but here is a reminder list of the candy our patients with fixed appliances (braces, Maxillary expanders, lower lingual holding arches and retainers) should not be eating while they undergo orthodontic treatment:

*Mike & Ikes
*Now and Laters
*Tootsie Rolls
*Jolly Ranchers
*Gummy Bears
*Sour Patch Kids
*Milk Duds
*Chewing gum
*Hard candy
*Fruit Roll-ups
Anything hard, sticky or chewy

Thank you very much for sharing your Halloween goodies with our Troops - we know they will appreciate the sweets. Also, if you have extra candy of any kind, we will be happy to send that as well!

- The Orchin Orthodontics Team

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